Humans are the most powerful creations on Earth till date. While evolving, we created tools and technologies to fuel our growth and ignite innovation. What was meant to enhance our capabilities has, in a way limited our possibilities. This needs to change. We need technologies that become a part of our lives, something that we can adapt to, something that will help us grow and evolve to our highest potential.
With 73 million unemployed youth, the world is soon to experience a severe crisis. Issues such as global poverty, intent to commit crimes, suicidal thoughts, health problems, and more would increase at a dramatic level. We are on a mission to upskill the global youth and adult fraternity, making them competent, capable and self-sustainable. Emphasizing more on the importance of skills over certificates, we intend to transform the learning ecosystem. Spreading the notion of interactive and experiential learning, we strive towards enhancing the skillsets of the youth, making them ready for the future jobs. Serving the bigger purpose, we seek to make every youth skilled and employable.
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